
We’ve had wonderful fall weather. It’s been clear and sunny with lots of days in the 70s and 80s. One day, I managed to get a short break from my “Keeping Up with the Contractors” to-do list, so I sat on the patio to read for a little while. I felt fortunate to have such great weather and such a pretty view in our back yard.

Biking and driving gave me lots of opportunities to enjoy all the fall colors–orange, red, and yellow everywhere.

One day, it was very windy, and that was the end of the fall colors. The leaves shifted from the trees to the ground. Oddly, the wind formed a pile of leaves under some of our lawn chairs, but swept the surrounding patio clean.

Ted raked all the leaves and sent them through his chipper. As the weather cooled, he moved most of the outdoor furniture into the storage shed. While we were in the yard, we noticed a fat woolly worm. Ted put his finger next to it for scale and I took a picture. Does this mean a bad winter? It’s hard to tell, because when Ted picked up the woolly worm to throw it into the grass, we discovered it was dead.

Fall was wonderful but, woolly worm or not, it’s time to get ready for winter.