Closing the (Face)book

I gave up Facebook at least six months ago.  I didn’t delete my account, but I quit trolling through my news feed regularly.  I was never a very active participant on Facebook–about 50 posts since I joined in 2010.  I think my last post was in March last year, and then I changed my profile picture in November.  I probably check my news feed once a month or less.  After 5-10 minutes of reading, I’m bored, so I close the (Face)book.  My Facebook activity ended the evening I caught myself thinking, “I’m so tired, I just want to go to bed, but I still have to check my Facebook news feed.”  Really???  I quit cold turkey that night, and I have never missed it.

I thought I was a brave individual, breaking away from the herd, but that was before I read an article earlier this week that said twenty-some percent of Facebook users use the app less than they did a year ago.  Reasons include the increasing presence of fake news and partisan politics, as well as what was described as “Fakebook”–people posting photos of their new cars, their exotic vacations, and tributes to their unbelievably wonderful family members (gag!).  Apparently, this makes readers feel inadequate because their own lives aren’t that (pun intended) picture perfect.  I like my life, so that wasn’t my reason for backing off;  I just got tired of reading the same stuff from the same people every day.  If anyone seriously wants me to know what s/he is doing on a given day, give me a call or send me an email!

Having said all that, on my once-per-month troll of my news feed, I found this cute picture posted by a friend.  He didn’t mention where it was from, but he has a young grandchild, and this is the kind of humor kids that age love.  The occasional post like this is why I haven’t deleted my FB account.  Yet.