It’s time for a re-read

November 29 was the 184th anniversary of Louisa May Alcott’s birth.  Google celebrated with a Google doodle.


That’s Beth at the piano, Jo running with books, blonde-haired Amy painting, Meg embroidering, and Laurie, the neighbor boy who marries Amy.   I think the picture on the wall is Louisa May Alcott.  Can you find “Google” in the doodle?

Seeing the Google doodle made me want to re-read Little Women, one of my favorite books.  I usually re-read it every one or two years.  I have two copies of the book:  one was my mother’s, and one was a gift from my brother Tom.  Given the appearance of my mother’s handwriting, she might have received her copy of the book at about the same age Tom gave me my copy.

Little Women was originally published in two volumes in 1868 and 1869.  Both of my copies include the entire story in a single volume.  Interestingly, neither copy includes a copyright date.  This could be because Louisa May Alcott never copyrighted the book, or because any book published before 1923 is in the public domain.

The blue book was my mother's; the top one is mine.

The blue book was my mother’s; the top one is mine.

Both copies marked by their owners.

Both copies marked by their owners.