Not only is it Hallowe’en today, but it is also National Knock Knock Joke Day.  What a joyous cause to celebrate!  Here’s a un-knock knock joke:

Knock, knock.

Come on in; the door’s open.

And another one, just to make the celebration last longer.

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Ya who?

I’m excited to see you too.

Happy Knock Knock Joke Day to all.

I’m reading a pseudo-detective novel and its text is liberally sprinkled with amusing sentences that make me smile.  My knowledge of French is extremely limited, but I’m pretty sure I know what this means and it made me laugh out loud.

After twelve years employed as a sewer engineer for Hydro-Québec, Huck had acquired a faint, but persistent, “l’air du poop” that wouldn’t go away, no matter how much he showered nor how many gallons of Old Spice that he put on.

Who to vote for?  Who to vote for?  This is a little late, but it’s too good to ignore.

So close to the truth!

The candidates could have been Jim Henson’s models.  Top -> bottom:  Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz.

I needed some labels, and I keep a started sheet in the in/out box on my desk.  I couldn’t find the labels, which are usually near the top of the pile, so I pulled out the entire pile and started going through it.  It’s no big shock that I ended up going through the whole pile–might as well clean it out while I’m at it–and I found a few things that made me smile.  Among them, some old birthday cards that I saved.

Here’s one from Tom and Jo.  A literary masterpiece, no doubt.

50 Shades

Then there was one from Jeff’s family.  It’s so “Jeff,” isn’t it?

Universal remote

And finally, I found one from Gary.  This is from way back when my car was new.  You got it right, Gary!

My convertible


Or . . . think of three other friends who might be more unbalanced than the first three.

Outside of a book, a dog is man’s best friend.  Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.

–Groucho Marx