2023 BT (Big Trip): Sète, France

Today’s excursion was titled “Scenic Sète on Foot.” The city of Sète is set on a narrow strip of land and was right beside our ship. The tour promised us a walk along the main canal with views of the fishing fleet, the Old Port, churches, and other public buildings along the quay. After that, we’d be on our own to to shop and walk back to the ship.

Ted and I voted to skip that and to have a final day relaxing onboard the ship. Tomorrow we will arrive at Barcelona–the last port of our 2023 BT, so we started packing our things in the afternoon.

At Barcelona, our ship will turn around and head back to Istanbul, where Ted and I began our cruise. That means all passengers onboard will disembark the day after we arrive in Barcelona. In recognition of this, there was a farewell ceremony for the crew and for the passengers this evening. Ted and I attended the event so that we could thank our favorite crew members again for their wonderful service to us, and so that we could enjoy the champagne and snacks they offered in appreciation to us for sailing with them.

Dinner in one of the upscale restaurants tonight included Grand Marnier Soufflé–a dessert we’d had earlier on the cruise and definitely wanted to have again. It was an enjoyable and relaxing day. Feel free to drool when you look at the picture of Grand Marnier Soufflé. I’ve got to learn how to make this!