Tonight I finally had time to play with my Christmas toy. For many years, Thom and I have exchanged a small Christmas Lego set. I don’t remember exactly when we started doing this but, given the number of Christmas Lego sets I’ve received from him, it was a long time ago.
When Thom and I started our Lego exchange, the sets were sold at the check-out counter. They were small, wrapped in a cellophane envelope, had about 15-20 pieces, and cost $5.00 or less.
Lego has evolved over the years and the pieces have become very specialized. In addition, a lot of people apparently like the Christmas Lego idea, so the individual holiday pieces have become multi-figured scenarios. They now sell for a lot more than $5.00 per set.
Every year, I enjoy selecting a new Christmas Lego set for Thom and I look forward to the one he sends me. Thank you, Thom. I love our Christmas Lego tradition.