There are good roads, and there are bad roads . . .

Today was an easy day for us–not too much driving, and not much to do.  Our drive on I-70 from Grand Junction to Glenwood Springs, CO was very scenic all the way.


We had a hard time getting to our motel in Glenwood Springs.  We needed to leave I-70 at Exit 116, but it was closed due to construction of the SR82 overpass, which connects north and south Glenwood Springs.  We had to take Exit 114 and follow detour signs.  The exit took us to the south side of I-70; our hotel was on the north side of I-70.  It was crazy!!  Traffic was heavy, many streets were one-way, and there were at least half a dozen traffic circles–some two in a row–at which we had to determine when to leave the circle.

Traffic cops were stationed all over (two were in Hallowe’en costumes–Darth Vader and the Wicked Witch of the West), and the roads were filled with orange and white traffic cones that either:  (1) outlined a path to follow; or (2) blocked entrance to a path.  With everything else going on, it was even hard to determine what the traffic cones were trying to do!  We finally made it to our hotel–nearly an hour after leaving I-70.  This road project has apparently been underway since early August and won’t be finished until late November.  Ted and I wondered if the traffic cops are on duty all day every day.  We bet they are.

Glenwood Springs is named for its hot springs.  Our hotel has a hot spring pool and spa, and it was very tempting to get into the warm water and just relax after maneuvering our way through the traffic snarls.  Unfortunately, the air temperature was only in the 50s, so we chickened out of getting wet and warm and then having to shiver our way to the locker rooms.  The people in the picture below were braver than we were.


We planned to visit the Railroad Museum this afternoon, but it’s on the other side of I-70 and wasn’t going be open very long after we fought our way back to it.  A little research showed that it’s only a 0.4 mile walk one way from the hotel, and there is a pedestrian bridge over I-70.  That bridge is open.  Our new plan is to visit the Railroad Museum in the morning before we leave Glenwood Springs.  We’re adaptable, but if you’re planning to visit Glenwood Springs, I suggest waiting until the road project is finished.